Supervisor Resources

Supervisor Resources

Document Library

The UCCS Human Resources Document Library provides access to common calendars, forms, templates, step-by-step directions, and more.

Employee Separation Resources

Find resources for employee separation, including final pay, benefits, retirement options, etc.

Guidelines for Remote Employees

Find helpful resources, best practices, and guidance related to supervising remote employees.

Human Resources Training

Find slideshows, videos, and additional materials provided at previous Human Resources training sessions.

Performance Management

UCCS acknowledges that performance management is an ongoing and daily process, not just an annual event. The university requires managers and employees to conduct a formal annual performance review based on the requirements specific to their employment group. This review documents and highlights the previous year’s accomplishments and overall performance.

Policy Resources

Find policies, including campus policies, regent policies, and state policies

Resources for Employee Recruitment

Access resources for employee recruitment and hiring, including resources for hiring based on employee type.

System Access Request

Gain access to services managed by the CU System Administration office.

Employee Job Classification Structure

To recruit and retain talented employees and bring consistency to the value of jobs, UCCS must create a framework for fair and consistent pay policies, using market data for categorizing jobs and establishing pay ranges.

New Supervisor Checklist

Please review the New Supervisor Checklist for direction and explanation all of the steps required for your supervisory position.


Download the PDF here: New Supervisor Checklist 9 2024.pdf

Amendment and Change of Employment

 A guide to help you to the correct letter template or notification process for a particular change in employment or initial employment offer. 
