Employee Separation Resources

Resources for Employee Separation

Important considerations and resources for departments in completing the separation process.

Separation Resources

Complete the Employee Separation Checklist located in the Human Resources Document Library.

Please complete an Employee Separation ticket in the HR Cherwell system. This allows the appropriate people to be notified of the separation in order to take action to discontinue access to certain buildings, systems, etc. and notifies HR that an employee is separating.

Business partners should enter a separation transaction into HCM. A guide on entering an ePAR separation is available on the HCM Community webpage for Terminating an Employee. The resignation letter must be attached to the ePAR transaction.

Important note for involuntary separation: Colorado law requires that employees who are terminated for cause and working in Colorado receive their final payment no later than 24 hours after the start of the payroll department's next regularly scheduled workday. For employees who live and work in other states, those state regulations must be reviewed to determine proper final payment rules for terminations. Meeting this requirement involves effective and timely coordination, and sufficient advance notice to both Human Resources and Employee Services.

Processing may be delayed if HCM is not available.

If the department needs to access the electronic data of a separating employee, the department should complete the Request to Access Electronic Files of Others form.

For situations which require immediate account disabling, departments should complete the Account Disabling and Request to Access form. 

HR will coordinate with OIT to ensure the employee's systems access is appropriately terminated, to occur on a designated date/time.

If payroll has not been processed for the previous month, complete and post previous month’s timesheet. For example, if the employee’s last day of work is April 4, complete and post the March timesheet and enter time worked in April (for non-exempt employees) and any vacation (all employees except 9-month faculty) and sick time taken in April. You will not be able to post April’s timesheet- the Office of Human Resources will take care of that.

If the employee’s last day is at a time in the month that payroll has processed, have the employee add work hours (non-exempt) and exception time (all employees except 9-month faculty) to the current month’s timesheet. HR will need this information to complete the final paycheck. There is no need to post this timesheet. For example, if the employee’s last day of work is April 29, payroll has already processed for April paycheck, but the system paid the employee regular time through April 30.  Please note: if employee resigned after payroll has run, then their pay for the month may need to be stopped, modified and reissued.  For this reason, it is important to notify Human Resources of any resignations as soon as possible.

If you are unsure of the payroll processing calendar, please check here: CU Payroll Production Calendars

Once the employee has completed their final day of work, please make sure their timesheet is accurate for their time worked and they have included any exception time (i.e. vacation and sick).

If the former employee was a supervisor of other employees, please complete a Cherwell ticket to have those employees reassigned to a new supervisor.  Please list names of the employees that need to be reassigned as well as the effective date of the reassignment. 
This process will not happen automatically and can delay approvals of leave time and timesheets if not completed in a timely manner. 

If the employee is transferring to another campus, inform the Office of Human Resources of any additional payments the employee is receiving. These need to be stopped manually so they do not continue to the next campus. If these are not stopped, the UCCS department Speed Type will be charged for these additional payments.  

If the employee was a supervisor of Classified Staff, the supervisor must complete closeout evaluations and send to hrhelp@uccs.edu for retention. 

Involuntary Separation

To effectively process a termination for cause (involuntary separation), there must be coordination among the department supervisor/department administrator/appointing authority, the campus human resources office, the department HCM Community member and Employee Services. For information regarding termination for cause procedures, please visit the Employee Services link to the right.

Time Frame for Final Pay if Termination for Cause (Involuntary Separation)

University of Colorado employees who are terminated for cause are entitled to receive their final payment as quickly as business allows. For employees who live and work in other states, those state regulations must be reviewed to determine proper final payment rules for terminations. Meeting this requirement involves effective and timely coordination, and sufficient advance notice to Employee Services.

Processing may be delayed if HCM is not available.

Separation due to Death

Notifying Employee Services 

When an employee dies (or retiree, if known), the deceased's current/former campus department, family member(s) or legal representative(s) should immediately contact Employee Services and UCCS Human Resources office. Immediate notification is essential to avoid incorrect payments and tax-reporting problems.

Family member(s) or legal representative(s) must provide Employee Services three items as soon as possible:

  • a copy of the notarized death certificate
  • legal documentation with the name and address of the executor of the estate
  • W-9

All applicable insurance information must be completed by the appropriate legal representative. Employee Services benefit counselors will help the department, family or legal representative(s) with these insurance forms.

Click here for more information on Policies and Procedures.

Records Request

In the event of a records request for a deceased employee, please consult APS 2022 in relation to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA).