Submit a Concern / Report an Incident
In the event of a health or safety emergency, please call UCCS Police at 719-255-3111 or dial 911.Before You Begin
This form is NOT intended for emergency response and is not monitored 24/7. If there is an imminent danger or is criminal conduct involved, please call UCCS Police at 719-255-3111 or dial 911.
For concerns of protected class discrimination or harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct, please submit a report to the Office of Institutional Equity.
This form can be used for:
1) Concerns about an employee’s mental health and well-being (non-life threatening)
2) To request resource information for an employee
3) Concerns about disruptive or inappropriate behaviors that directly affect the well-being of faculty/staff.
All fields marked with (*) are required. You may choose to remain anonymous, but your identity may help us in the investigation. Please be as detailed as possible. The more information, the better we can assist you. If more than one employee is involved, please submit an additional form.