Gender Identity/Transitioning Process FAQ for UCCS Faculty, Staff and Student Employees

Gender Identity/Transitioning Process FAQ for UCCS Faculty, Staff and Student Employees

Transitioning can be a very private and stressful time. Therefore, this information was created to provide employees with information about campus policies, procedures, and resources that are available to assist our transitioning employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is the ongoing policy and practice of UCCS to provide equal employment opportunity to all individuals. UCCS prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and transgender status. CU’s Protected Class Nondiscrimination protects applicants and employees from being discriminated against or harassed because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, veteran status, marital status, political affiliation, political philosophy, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression

If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed because of your sex, gender identity, gender expression, or transgender status, you can contact the Office of Institutional Equity at (719) 255-8227or you can visit the OIE’s website to learn more information.

For information regarding health benefits, contact Employee Services. You can talk with a benefits counselor by calling 303-860-4200 or Toll-free: 1-855-216-7740. Information regarding benefit plans can be found on the Employee Services website.

For staff and faculty, the Staff and Faculty PRIDE committee is centered on the advancement of and advocacy for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) community of the university through increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ groups as a presence and resource within UCCS and the wider community; advising on the inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ concerns within UCCS policies and procedures; supporting the education of UCCS staff, students and faculty specific to the LGBTQIA+ community; and supporting and advocating for UCCS LGBTQIA+ staff and students. 

The Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (CSEAP) is a free confidential counseling/consulting/referral service designed to provide assistance to faculty and staff for personal or work-related concerns that may interfere with job performance. 

For student employees the Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness, and Community (M.O.S.A.I.C) and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (LGBTQ+) Resource Center are student advocated support services designed to cultivate the holistic development of historically and currently marginalized students at UCCS. Students can expect ongoing programs, trainings, leadership development, intentionally designed resources, and active advising from the full-time staff. Our mission is to provide holistic support through the advocacy, ongoing personal development, and community cultivation for UCCS students from historically and currently marginalized communities. Our vision is to collaborate with students to advance equity at UCCS.

The Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (CSEAP) is a free confidential counseling/consulting/referral service designed to provide assistance to faculty and staff for personal or work-related concerns that may interfere with job performance. CSEAP provides the following services which could be helpful to you as you consider this important question: short-term counseling, group counseling, referral services, crisis intervention services, general consultation, supervisor consultation, work-life services, workshops, and trainings.

For student employees, UCCS has The MOSAIC & LGTQ+ Resource center which serves students at UCCS. This office works closely with other departments on campus, organizations, and community groups to provide these programs and services. Some helpful information can be found here:

Your name will need to be changed in the Human Resources PeopleSoft HCM. Employees may update their legal name by showing a valid Social Security Card displaying the legal name. This card must be presented in person to Human Resources.

Employees may designate a preferred first name, which is different from a legal name, with the university. A preferred name may be a nickname, middle name, professional name, anglicized name or name more closely associated with an employee's gender identity. The preferred name may be entered by the employee into the employee portal. For more information please see:

Campus Solutions/CU-SIS - is not automatically updated if a user updates their preferred name in the myUCCS Portal (HCM). To update your faculty or staff preferred name in Campus Solutions, please complete the Personal Information Update Request.

If you enter a preferred name in the UCCS employee portal and your name does not display as expected, please send an email to for assistance. It may take up to 48 hours for a preferred name entered in the portal to display in other university systems.

  • Log in to the employee portal.
  • In the CU Resources area, click the dropdown menu on the top left of the page, and select MyInfo and Pay
My Info and Pay in the CU Portal
  • Select the Gender Identity tile
Gender Identity Tile
  • To access details, select the arrow (>) on the right
Gender Identity Form
  • The Gender Details page will open. Click on the magnifying glass to see a list of 12 Gender Identity values. The Sex field will also show on the Gender Details page. To change legal sex (F, M or U), employees must contact their department or campus HR office and provide documentation such as a passport or driver's license.
    • Sex values are sent to insurance vendors, as required, for appropriate coverage.
    • For vendors that require a binary code, the U/X will be omitted or converted to M, depending on the rules governing specific reports.
Gender Identity List
  • Select the option that fits you.
List of Genders
  • Click Save.



To learn about the specifics of each medical plan covers, please contact your insurance provider which can be found at the Employee Services carrier contact list.

Email Address:

If you enter a preferred name in the UCCS employee portal and your name does not display as expected, please send an email to for assistance. It may take up to 48 hours for a preferred name entered in the portal to display in other university systems.

Caller ID and UCCS Directory:

To change your name as it appears when you dial out from your office telephone, please follow this link IT Forms - Original - IT to change a name on an existing phone and get the UCCS phone directory updated as well.

The M.O.S.A.I.C. and LGBTQ+ Resource Center has a list and map of accessible Unisex and gender neutral restrooms.

There are several offices that can assist you, your supervisor(s), and your coworkers regarding your transition. Each situation is unique, and the employee should feel comfortable working with whatever resource they prefer. Employee Relations and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center are all great resources for an individual or a department to consult with about an employee’s transition and best practices to respect the rights and privacy of the individual who is transitioning.