Human Resources Liaisons FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

A transaction is a request to enter or update data that can affect one or more data tables in the system. A transaction may require approval before the data is written to the database. In HCM, transactions can be submitted through the following methods: 

  • Template Based Transactions (TBTs): Certain transactions are created through a TBT and submitted for approval. The templates provide a streamlined method of data entry. TBTs include hires, rehires, additional jobs, and transfers.
  • Standard requests: Updates that are submitted through delivered PeopleSoft pages, meaning without any customization to the delivered code, such as PETs and position updates.
  • Electronic Personnel Action Requests (ePARs): Transactions submitted through custom forms, sometimes referred to as SMART forms. ePARs include pay rate changes, additional pay, and reappointments.

Refer to Approving Transactions Step-by-Step Guide for additional details.

A reappointment is a pay rate change to an existing employee while creating a new contract for the employee. In some cases, you may want to rehire a contract employee who was terminated. You should run the Job List query (CUES_HCM_JOB_LIST) to see whether there is a terminated job record. If there is a terminated job record, you can use that record to rehire the employee. However, if the contract end date and payment end date occur after the new contract begin and payment begin dates, you will need to create a new job record and contract parameters, otherwise the system will error and the new contract will not load into the system.

Refer to Working with Contracts Step-by-Step Guide for more information about reappointments and consult with your campus HR for specific guidelines and decision points.

If you are hiring a new employee on a contract, or rehiring a contract employee on a terminated record, refer to Hiring an Employee Step-by-Step Guide

More Frequently Asked Questions

If an exempt employee is being required to enter all his or her time, the employee is probably set up with an incorrect FLSA status in Job data or Position data. Exempt employees should only have to enter exception time, such as vacation and sick leave. Non-exempt employees need to record all hours worked for My Leave to calculate time correctly.

Contact HR via for assistance in correcting the FLSA exempt/non-exempt status in the employee’s position. The change feeds to Job data and then to My Leave. In My Leave, the FLSA status of exempt of non-exempt displays with the Job and Pay group information.

Once the pay period has closed, you will not be able to upload timesheets to the next pay cycle. All additional entries will need to be made into CU Time directly as Manual Time Entry.

The Payment Status field in CU Department Timesheet Review should tell the department user whether an exempt employee has no time to report, meaning no exception time, a non-exempt employee timesheet has been approved, and if timesheets have been posted. A complete listing is available in the My Leave for HCM Community Members Step-by-Step Guide.

Refer your employees to My Leave Basics: Setting Preferences and Entering Time Step-by-Step Guide. Preferences must be set up before the employee can record time. The start date in My Leave tells the system when to start recording time. For newly hired employees, this is the hire date. For rehired employees, this is the rehire date and for existing employees, the start date is the date to start tracking in My Leave.

The query, Dept Personnel & Org Roster, will show your active employees with the exempt, nonexempt status, pay group, position, and supervisor. This guide describes how to access and run queries in HCM, Step-by-Step: Running Queries.

  1. Dept Personnel & Org Roster – Review all positions, jobs and FLSA status for your department.
  2. My Leave Calendar View – Shows all entries on an employee My Leave Calendar, including timesheets not submitted.
  3. My Leave Pay Estimates – Reports exception time and estimated pay.
  4. My Leave Timesheet Detail – Displays detailed information about my Leave Timesheets, including weekly OTM.
  5. My Leave Timesheet Status – Returns details on earnings codes and hours for time, both submitted and not submitted via My Leave.
  6. My Leave Timesheet Summary – This query returns summary information about My Leave timesheets, including OTM and ATS calculations.
  7. My Leave Timesheets - This query returns submission and approval information regarding My Leave timesheets.

This guide describes how to access and run queries in HCM, Step-by-Step: Running Queries.

This can be caused by the supervisor having a proxy set up and the approvals are going to the proxy or the employees have multiple jobs and are recording time on an incorrect job record. Check the timesheets for the employees and the job number. If this is correct, you can check to see if a proxy is set up in Workflow Admin.

If these things do not correct the issue, email for assistance.

Approved timesheets do not automatically load to CU Time. Within CU Time there is an option called CU Dept Timesheet Review that is used by the departments to review and load approved timesheets from My Leave to CU Time. Detailed instructions are available in the My Leave for HCM Community Members Step-by-Step Guide.

Departments must post timesheets within CU Dept Timesheet Review in order for pay and leave to record correctly. Failure to do so may result in missed pay.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Congratulations! Human Resources is here to help your department throughout the entire Search & Hire process. To begin, visit the Search & Hire page and select they employee type your department is wanting to hire. These pages will go through everything from choosing the job code, writing a job description, posting, search committee guidelines, and extending an offer. 

APS 5022 provides guidance for determining which positions shall be exempted from the state personnel system and designates the heads of the HR offices to determine such exemptions within their respective organizations.

Independent Contractors are individuals or businesses who enter into a Personal Services Contract with the university and function independently. They are subject to the control and direction of the university only in regard to the end result of the work and not as to the way in which the work is done. Unlike an employee, an independent contractor pays for all expenses and social security and income taxes, and is not eligible to receive employee benefits. When determining whether the university can enter into a contract with an Independent Contractor, it is crucial that state and federal guidelines and requirements are considered. The university must ensure that the work, and the manner in which is performed, does not create an employer/employee relationship instead of an independent contractor relationship. This determination is the responsibility of the University of Colorado System Human Resources office based on information that the department and the contractor provide on the Scope of Work (SOW) form.

For information on determining Independent Contractor or Employee status, please see the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) pages that follow:

The document library contains information on the Fall and Summer 2024 contracts under the Forms /Templates and Payroll Procedures.