UCCS Employee Payroll

UCCS Employee Payroll Information

Notice of Paydays

Bi-weekly / Hourly employees are paid every other Friday by direct deposit to the employees’ designated bank account or to a pay card. Payment is for hours worked during the pay period prior to the current period (i.e., a bi-weekly pay period of January 1 to January 14 would be paid on January 28)

Monthly/Hourly employees are paid on the last working day of each month by direct deposit to your designated bank account or to a pay card. Payment is for hours worked in the calendar month prior to the month paid (i.e., hours worked in February will be paid on March 31, etc.)

Monthly Salaried employees are paid on the last working day of each month by direct deposit to the employee's designated bank account or to a pay card. Payment is made for the current month (i.e., payment for March is paid on March 31)

Faculty on academic year appointments are paid on the last working day of each month from August to May. Faculty may elect to have their pay distributed over 12 months instead of 9 months by completing a Faculty Election to Defer Receipt of Salary Payment form  within 3 days of their date of hire (start date).

Once per year, returning faculty members may change the Faculty contract selection through their employee portal. This typically happens late spring to early summer. For more information visit: https://www.cu.edu/employee-services/payroll/faculty-payroll

Recording of exception hours and leave usage is done the following pay period (i.e., vacation and sick earned are taken during January are certified at the end of January and new leave balances are calculated, reported and available for use during February)

Employees are responsible for keeping their financial information current. If a direct deposited paycheck must be returned due to a closed account, employees can expect a delay in the reissuing of those funds. Employees are also responsible for verifying that their direct deposit requests have been processed correctly by reviewing their pay advice in the MyUCCS Employee Portal and/or calling their financial institution to conform receipt of funds. The university is not responsible for any overdraft charges if funds are not deposited as expected.

Employees should regularly review their information on the pay advice, particularly when expecting a change in wages, additional pay such as overtime, changes to deductions and any direct deposit changes, if an error is noted, please contact your department HR Liaison.

Each year the University must issue a W-2 form to all employees who received taxable wage payments so that the employees can file their taxes. These forms are sent out no later than January 31st to report the taxable wages paid during the previous year. W-2 forms are mailed to your home address. W-2 forms are also on MyUCCS Portal.

Payment of Information

Direct Deposit

Employees are responsible for keeping their financial information current. Employees are also responsible for verifying that their direct deposit requests have been processed correctly by reviewing their pay advice in the MyUCCS Employee Portal and/or calling their financial institution to confirm receipt of funds.

Direct Deposit

Pay Advice

Employees should regularly review the information on the pay advice, particularly when expecting a change in wages, additional pay such as overtime, changes to deductions and any direct deposit changes. If an error is noted, please contact your Department HR Liaison.

Common Deductions

Recording Hours

Recording of exception hours and leave usage is done the following pay period (i.e., vacation and sick leave earned or taken during January are certified at the end of January and new leave balances are calculated, reported, and available for use during February)

My Leave Earning Codes

W-2 Reporting

UCCS Campus

Each year the University must issue a W-2 form to all employees who received taxable wage payments so that the employees can file their taxes. These forms are sent out no later than January 31st to report the taxable wages paid during the previous year. W-2 forms are mailed to your home address. W-2 forms are also on MyUCCS Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Timecard and Payroll Frequently Asked Questions for Human Resources Liaisons

Check the payroll calendar online on the UCCS HR website. If payroll is currently running, the timecards are unable to load.  If it is after payroll has run, contact campus HR to get any hours entered for the next payroll. Correcting the timecard for any months that weren’t posted will help prevent larger issues later. Not posting timecards, particularly for months that employees used vacation or sick time, makes leave balances inaccurate. This is problematic when an employee goes on a leave of absence, separates employment, or an employee is reviewing their leave at the end of the fiscal year in preparation for the leave sweeps.

This occurs with an exempt (not eligible for overtime) employee that doesn’t have any exception time, such as vacation or sick time on their timecard for this month or when a non-exempt (eligible for overtime) employee worked all of their hours, didn’t have any exception time and there is nothing to load.

This is normal and isn’t a cause for alarm. Although the employee didn’t have any exception time, we still want to have the employee submit their timecard on a monthly basis to document that they didn’t take any time off. 


Type of TimeCodeComments
Campus Closure as designated by the ChancellorAdministrative LeaveEnter in what event caused the closure - i.e. Snow Closure or Snow Delay
Bereavement - covered by policyFuneral LeavePlease check the Leave APS and state classified rules for bereavement eligibility.
Bereavement - not covered by policyVacation Leave 
Comp Time (time off in lieu of overtime)Compensation TimeUsed when non-exempt employee needs to use previously earned Comp Time.
Extra time worked above appointment/FTEXRG/APS/Additional Regular Hours 
Floating Holiday UCCS does not have floating holidays. Do not use this code.

Normally entered automatically into My Leave for state or federally awarded holidays.

If an essential employee was required to work on the state or federal holiday and is using the holiday later then move the holiday to the approved day and make a comment that the holiday was moved.

Inclement Weather/SnowAdministrative LeaveTo be used only for closures declared by campus leadership - add comments to show Snow Closure. Snow Delay or Early Closure.
Juneteenth (2023)Personal Observance DayPlease note the year in the comments.
On-callOn Call Pay 
OvertimeNo code neededMy Leave will calculate overtime or earned compensatory time based on set preferences.
Shift Work2nd/3rd Shift Hourly or SalaryPosition must be designated eligible for shift differential.
Sick TimeSick Leave 
Sick Time - Family MemberNot Applicable - Use Sick LeaveFamily Sick Time (FSK) is no longer available.
COWINS Steward TimeAdministrative LeavePlease make a comment in the notes that this is Steward Time. This is only available to Classified Staff that are listed as COWINS Stewards on the state's website.
Volunteer TimeVolunteer - Administrative Leave 
DockUnpaid Other Current Month DK1This code should not be entered into My Leave calendar directly. The employee should enter in regular time, sick time and/or vacation hours. If these hours do not add up to the employee's expected weekly hours, the system will generate a dock. The code shows up on the Timesheet for non-exempt employees to dock their pay for that week.
Working on weekendWeekend shift pay hourly/salary 
Additional Regular HoursXRGGenerated by the system and not directly entered. Used sparingly for exempt employees who are less than 100% FTE and have additional pay for additional hours in their LOO.
Additional Time StaightATSGenerated by the system and not directly entered. Code will generate when non-exempt employee enters in hours in a week with exception time and works additional hours. Due to the exception time, the extra hours are not considered overtime. Consider reducing the number of hours of exception time the employee entered into My Leave to reduce tor eliminate the ATS.



If the employee is non-exempt (eligible for overtime) look at their timecard to see if all their working hours were entered. If they didn’t enter all of their working hours, it likely resulted in a “dock”. This will show on their timesheet and pay advice/pay stub as DK1. If hours were worked, but not entered into My Leave, please contact campus Human Resources for information on correcting the employee’s timecard and pay.

Before the holiday, both the employee and supervisor will need to discuss what the work week will look like to give the employee their holiday time off.  For instance, a 50% appointment gives the employee four hours of holiday - if the holiday is on Monday and the employee’s work week is Tuesday to Friday at 5 hours a day, then the employee can use the 4 hours of holiday during that work week. The employee will work 16 hours that week and have 4 hours of holiday. You do not need to move the holiday if it is in the same week. Doing so may not save in My Leave and the holiday will revert to the original assigned holiday. 

Only the changes to the pay rates for shift differential were approved for University Staff. All other specific agreements are for Classified Staff. 

If the employee is a non-exempt Classified Staff member, then enter in hours worked as “Holiday Shift Pay – Salaried”. Then, they have the option to take the holiday a different day in the same fiscal year, take the 1.5x pay or comp time.  If they use the holiday by the end of fiscal year, June 30, then they would move the holiday to the day that is approved by the supervisor with the comments indicating the year for the holiday. Do not use the code “floating holiday” for this purpose.

Here are a few scenarios based on a classified employee who is assigned to work a 10-hours shift on a holiday:

Scenario #1Employee works on holiday and wants to use holiday on another day.-    10 hours of regular pay (assuming 10-hour shift)
-    8 hours of holiday to use on another day. They will need to use 2 hours of vacation time if they want a full shift  of 10 hours off. 
Scenario #2Employee works on holiday and wants 1.5x pay.-    1.5x regular pay for all hours worked. 
-    The employee does not have 8 hours of holiday to use. They took 1.5x pay instead.
Scenario #3Employee works on holiday and wants compensatory time.-    Employee works 10-hour shift. Gets 10 hours of regular pay.
-    The employee gets to have 15 hours of compensatory time added to their comp time tracking. This comp time must be tracked outside of My Leave. 
-    Does not have 8 hours of holiday to use. The employee took comp time instead.


University Staff (except Public Safety) will need to use their holiday within 90 days. In My Leave, the employee needs to move the holiday to the day that is approved by the supervisor with the comments indicating the year for the holiday. Do not use the code “floating holiday” for this purpose. Public Safety employees that are University Staff will follow the same procedures and the Classified Staff mentioned above. 

If your position is eligible for weekend shift differential, you will receive premium pay for working on December 25. However, you would only receive holiday premium pay on the state observed holiday